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Info about me friends!


Well, seeing as (nearly) all of my friends have E-Mail addresses, I'll write a bit about them, and put their E-Mail addresses next to them so you can contact them (Should you REALLY want to...)

Gavin Edensor.
I first met Gavin in 1993 at Sir Graham Balfour High School when we were in the 2nd year.   At the time, he had a Sega Master System and I had an Amiga A600, I converted him to the Amiga, and from then on, his interest in computers escalated from there...Sorry Gav.

You can E-Mail Gav at gavin245378@yahoo.com
His Web address is

Craig Butler
When Craig moved to Stafford in 1993, just across the road from me,, he was around my house all the time, but I didn't mind, because he too, had an Amiga, although his was only an Amiga A500 (Pretty  poo really). Carig lives in Scotland temporarily now so that he can do his diving course.

You can E-Mail Craig at C_S_S_Butler@yahoo.com but he never checks it.

Julia Fry
I also first met Julia on the first day of College, in fact, to be honest, I thought she was a bit weird, well, she WAS wearing a 'Black-widow spider' jumper.   Anyway, she has the room above me in the house that her, me and Ian are sharing.   Her boyfriend's called Alan, and she LOVES him VERY VERY VERY much!

Julia can be contacted at Julia.fry@mailexcite.com

Maria Uvina Perez
I can't remember where I met Mariangel, but we have been writing E-Mails to each other for several months now and are good friends.  Mariangel is a Law student in Mexico and is 21 years of age.  Now she has a HoTMaiL account, I may be able to put the e-mail address down...

Maria Uvina Perez's e-mail addres is Mariangel_u@hotmail.com but you're not allowed to e-mail her cos she's mine!

John Hartley
John is a Masters Degree student at Staffordshire University, he is studying a Masters Degree  in Computer Science along with his house mate, Natasha.  I know him because I used to live with him! He likes Oasis, that's why he's on here!

John can be contacted by E-Mailing oas155@hotmail.com

Michael Roue
Michael complained to me the other day that he wasn't in my friends list, and I gave him the answer that he has no e-mail address and so there would be little point, but I'll add him anyway...Just have to get my Scanner working on my A1200 so that I can scan in a picture of him so that he may be embarassed!

Michael cannot be contacted by e-mailing Michael.roue@swf.com

Natasha Thomas
Tash is a wicked friend and would do anything for anyone.  She has a big heart and it shows.
Natasha is also studying a Masters Degree in Computer Science with John (Above) who she lives with.  Natasha's best friend, Rachael, has just moved in with them to take over my place since I have moved in with Ian and Julia.

Natasha can be reached by E-Mailing tj900361@stmail.staffs.ac.uk

Christine D.
Christine D is another E-Mail friend I have, she's from Sunny Australia, and I envy her.  She E-Mailed me the other day to tell me it was 30 degrees centigrade when it was only 5 degrees here...  I can't remember where I met her either, probably on Oasis chat, where I meet most of my E-Mail friends.

Christine can be contacted by e-mailing Christine_03@yahoo.com

Vicky Bricknell
Vicky is Gavin's girlfriend and is cool.
She lives in Stafford aswell. Her and Gav have been going out for like, ages now and I wish them all the best.
Vicky likes the Aerosmith song "I don't want to miss a thing", I know this because she has stolen my CD of it...:o)

Vicky can be e-mailed @ vitbric99@yahoo.com

Katie Smedley
KT is...KT.
She's an individual and there's no one else like her. She is into Sepultura and other 'alternative' type music. I would put a more accurate description of what she likes, but I can't actually remember what the type of music she likes is actually called. Sorry KT!

KT has about a billion e-mail addresses, and here are 3 of them...
twiggy_lover7@yahoo.com (Most widely used)
katbasket@yahoo.com (Used a bit)
cosmic.lollipop@anglefire.com (No idea how often this is checked).

Last Updated: 1999